ana stefanovic
About Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy
Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy is a combination of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Hypnotherapy. It is rooted in the latest psychological research, and is educational and collaborative in style.

In other words, it is an approach to hypnotherapy which is based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) principles. What does this mean in practical terms?
First, it is means that the client's issues are conceptualised within the CBT framework, typically as consisting of somatic (physical), emotional (affective) and mental (cognitive) components, with each component having an effect on the other two.
For example, our thoughts have an effect on our emotions and our emotions have an effect on our bodies, producing physical sensations which, in turn, affect our thoughts i.e. there is a feedback loop.
In this framework, multiple interventions are possible; e.g. if we repeatedly experience anxiety, we can employ strategies that address physical, emotional and mental aspects of anxiety, thus creating change on multiple levels.
Second, hypnosis is seen as a state of mind that is on a continuum with our everyday states, and not qualitatively different. Effects of hypnosis are explained in terms of everyday psychological processes: focused attention, expectations and motivation.
Third, all hypnosis can be seen as self-hypnosis. In other words, we are doing it ourselves, even when we are guided by our therapist or an audio recording. Self-hypnosis is an acquirable skill, and as such, the more we practice it the better we become at it.
Fourth, hypnosis is more effective when we actively participate in the process. This is in contrast with the belief that the hypnotherapist can somehow magically speak to our "subconscious" and "fix" things while we lie back and relax in "sleep". Actively imagining what is being suggested will lead to more pronounced effects.
Part of the therapeutic strategy therefore includes exercises which you can practice in your own free time, accelerating changes that you desire.
Unlike many other forms of hypnotherapy, Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy is collaborative in style, with the client and the therapist designing the treatment plan together: the therapist suggests different tactics and the client chooses those that fit their goals and life-style the most.
Read more on Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy sessions, as well as frequently asked questions.

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How many hypnotherapy sessions will I need and how frequently?
What is self-hypnosis and why should I practice it?
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